



《使命召唤:战区2》玩家数已突破2500万! 1%title%

今日,《使命召唤:战区2》官方推特发文,在短短5天时间里,《使命召唤:战区2》的玩家人数已突破2500万。游戏于11月17日正式发售,登陆PS5、PS4、Xbox Series X|S、Xbox One和PC。

《使命召唤:战区2》玩家数已突破2500万! 2%title%

《战区2》作为原版《使命召唤:战区》的全新升级,除了保留了传统的战区(单人/双人/三人/四人大逃杀)玩法之外,还带来了备受玩家期待的DMZ模式,一种开放世界、以叙事为中心的撤离模式(类似《逃离塔科夫》),玩家将可以在其中完成基于派系的任务和支线目标,并在撤离途中与玩家和 AI 敌人进行 PvPvE 作战。

Call Of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Has Already Surpassed 25 Million Players
Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 has exceeded the 25 million players in just five days: apparently the new version of the battle royale produced by Activision has met with great success, convincing the many fans of the first Warzone.
In our review of Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 we explained how the novelties of the gameplay all work well, the DMZ mode has enormous potential and the level design of Al Mazrah is really excellent: a likely point of reference for the genre.
Elements that have clearly contributed to making Warzone 2.0 explode, multiplying downloads not only for the inevitable novelty effect but also and above all for the qualities of a battle royale that now seems to have conquered the general public.
At this point it will be interesting to observe the progression of the game compared to the first chapter: Benji-Sales points out that the original Call of Duty: Warzone took ten days to reach 30 million players, therefore we are faced with superior performance almost double.

