Team Ninja确认《忍者龙剑传》项目重启

Team Ninja确认《忍者龙剑传》项目重启



近日,Team Ninja在韩国游戏展会G-Star上发表了主题演讲。唯一可以确认的是忍者组正在重启《忍者龙剑传》,但没有提供有关该项目的更多细节,新的《忍者龙剑传》游戏将由忍者组直接发行。

Team Ninja确认《忍者龙剑传》项目重启 1%title%

虽然这是第一次官方确认《忍者龙剑传》重启,但此前就已经有大量迹象。2021年,光荣特库摩发布了《忍者龙剑传:大师合集》,其中包括忍者组制作的三款《忍者龙剑传》最终版,在PC、PS4、Switch和Xbox One上发售。

Team Ninja确认《忍者龙剑传》项目重启 2%title%

目前尚不清楚忍者组何时会分享更多有关《忍者龙剑传》重启的信息,新的《忍者龙剑传》游戏有可能仅处于早期制作阶段,可能还需要数年时间才能公开展示。但是,Team Ninja以激进的游戏发布时间表而闻名,所以一切皆有可能。

© Fumihiko Yasuda, current president of Team Ninja, recently attended the G-STAR 2022 event in Busan, South Korea. During the event, the President spoke about the future plans of the company. Among the announced news, Team Ninja has confirmed that it plans to reboot its classic Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive franchises.
In this project, titled “The Future of Team Ninja – Rebooting the Popular Series,” Yasuda stated that the studio would start rebooting after the release of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and Rise of Ronin. Two months ago, President Fumihiko Yasuda commented that he was willing to take the Ninja Gaiden franchise to another studio, so it’s not clear if this reboot plan will be driven by Team Ninja itself or another developer.

